Tuesday, April 01, 2025


Review System

Principally the submitted manuscripts are considered by us for the affirmation of the standard and the extent of the journal. In the event that any submitted article neglects to satisfy essential standard, the equivalent is dismissed and the choice is imparted to the author immediately. On the off chance that the editors are fulfilled, they will choose at least two commentators for point by point thought of the piece. If there should arise an occurrence of difference between analysts, the issue is settled by the Chief Editor. We evaluate the submitted manuscripts following Double Blind Peer Review.

Paper submitted by Author

Author receives Paper Index by Email & SMS

Screen by the Editor with Softwares

Primary Review by the Chief Editor an initial quality/relevance assessment - Revised/Reject (if necessary) 

Chief Editor selects reviewers who are experts in the field of your research problem

Invitation to Reviewers

Paper will be send to Reviewers for evaluation

Reviewers will review the paper and provide the comments (if any) to Chief Editor.

Reviewers will recommend that: Accepted/Revision/Rejected

If paper is Accepted without any modification, 


If Revision requires, Authors can make revisions according to the comments of reviewers.

Submission of Revised Paper

Chief Editor makes a publication decision based on the comments compared with submitted paper.
