Tuesday, April 01, 2025


Paper Preparation

 Papers should be prepared conforming to accepted standards of international journals.
 Papers written in English, M.S. Word and Times New Roman font, Size 12, typed 1.5 lines spaced.
 Authors are asked to make the paper as concise as possible and to limit them to less than 10 pages (A4 Ms Word).
The following are the basic outline to the paper:-
The first page of paper should contain the title in bold, the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) and a footnote giving the name of authors for correspondence with e-mail and mobile number. Mobile number is only for SMS purpose only.
 The second page an abstract and keywords.
 In the third page paper should be arranged in sections as follows:
 1.Introduction, 2. Objectives, 3. Methodology, 4. Sampling design (if primary data used), 5. Statistical design (if primary data used), 6. Geographical area (if primary data used), 7. Results, 8. Suggestions, 9. Conclusion, 10. Area for further research (optional), 11. Figures, tables and references.
  1. Figures should be clear and created in word.
  2. References should be styled and punctuated as following example
(1)   Thomas Dernburg. F. (1985), “ Macro Economics: Concepts, Theories, and Policies,” McGraw- Hill Book Company, Singapore, p.p: 12-16
 The EPRA Trust Publishing reserves the right to make changes whether stylistic, grammatical, delete, rewrite sentences and paragraphs of the paper as deemed necessary.
 Authors are exclusively responsible for the statements and opinions advanced by them. All correspondence regarding research paper is to be done with an editor or chief editor by Email