Tuesday, April 01, 2025



How to Submit Paper?
All papers are subjected to double blind  peer review process and those of high quality (which are not previously published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay.
Authors are invited to submit their research paper through online submission in the website.
Steps for Online Submission:-
Step-1: Click the Manuscript tab in the Submission Header or Click this link SUBMIT
Step-2: After open the Submission form type the paper title, Select the Journal to your paper (Current Submission Open Journals only display here), type mobile number, type the First author name and First author email correctly then type all co-author names in the forthcoming fields with email.  
Step-3: Upload the Paper
Step-4: Sumit                            
Step-3: Author will receive the paper index through Email and SMS.
 Review process will start within 12 hours.
 E-Mail Submission:-
Manuscript Submission Emails:(Specify the journal name througn email submission-See call for Papers)
Author must provide a functioning e-mail address and Mobile number for receive the paper status in Email and SMS ( SMS service available only within India)
Kindly fill all particulars accurately in the form as Certificate will be generated using details presented as under.
MS Word format papers only consider for evaluation. Pdf format is not allowed
Before submitting your paper, please check your paper should be as per Paper preparation guidelines
Authors can track their paper status any time in the website using paper index.
If paper is rejected, it cannot be publish in any of our journals. 
For quick processing authors are requested to Submit your paper directly through our website and email submission also