Sunday, February 23, 2025




  1. Before paper submission, Correspondence author provide a manuscript copy to all co-authors and obtain their consent to publish.
  2. Submit Original manuscript  only
  3. Ensure that , the names of co authors should be written as they prefer and their designation and institutional information properly stated.
  4. Provide the address for correspondence and E mail id & Mobile number on the first page of paper
  5. Commence your manuscript  with an Abstract and few  Keywords
  6. Do proper literature survey on the title. It improves the quality of the paper.
  7. Use own figures/chart/tables
  8. State all the sources of information used in the research, at the end of paper in Bibliography/references.

Don'ts :-

  1. Don’t Submit a manuscript without obtaining necessary consents from Co-Authors
  2. Don’t submit papers which is previously published.
  3. Don’t  be careless in providing author information, assigning proper order.  
  4. Don’t submit the paper without menion the correspondence address, Email & mobile number.
  5.  Don’t Submit the paper without an Abstract, few Keywods and Introduction.
  6. Avoide irrelevent pieces of Literature in the paper.
  7. Don’t use Copyrighted Figures, Data Chart/Tables. If required, take permissions before including in your Paper. It is mandatory to mention the Source in such cases.
  8. Don’t submit the paper without proper References