Tuesday, April 01, 2025


Plagiarism Policy

Submitted Papers:-

EPRA Trust Publishing Journals has a strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. If the submitted paper has been plagiarised editorial office will reject that article immediately and note that author name(s). In the event that same author send the plagiarised article second time in different title, editorial office will block that author(s) all communications. Editorial office never repond that author’s email or phone calls.

Accepted Papers:-

Suppose any article found plagiarism in later stage, i.e after acceptance, we never publish that article and notify to the corresponding author by email. Paper status also will change to Rejected. If any minor part is plagariased, we will ask revision in that part and publish that article after satisfactory revision made by author(s).


      Author(s) are 100 percent responsible for plagiarism issues. Chief Editor or Editor or Editorial board never responsible for plagiarism reports, complaints and legal actions. So author(s) are full responsible for their paper’s plagiarism, unlawful contents and defamatory etc.